Monday, August 29, 2011

Just maybe

Phew! We quite possibly did a LOT of puzzles.

(before putting them away I added up the piece totals and she had put together over 1500 puzzle pieces that morning!)
One morning I was woken up by a sweet daughter touching my face. She cuddled under the blanket all cute with me and sweetly said, "mom, can i use your iPad because you aren't really using it right now."

Learning to be frugal?

Emma is pretending to be the mama and is going through her groceries and toys and picking things up saying "oh, this is expensive, we need to take it back to the store. Right, mom? I mean right, darling?  Sorry sweetheart, but some of the stuff is just too expensive. I've got to take it back because it was expensive."

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

brother for sale!

every time jackson pulls himself up to standing emma comments "mama, look at our big boy!"... this time she followed it with "he's just too big for us, maybe we should put him in the garage sale!"
sorry sweet pea, i think we'll keep him!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

tech savvy

Mama was reading some of the past "Punkin Ponderings" to Daddy aloud.  Emma was listening in and exclaimed: "You blogged that online?!?"

fun places

Daddy:  Emma, you've been a good girl this morning.  Do you want to go to the...
Emma:  umm.... Book.  Store???
Daddy:  You are your mama's girl.  How about the zoo?
Emma:  TODAY!?!?!?  YES! I would love to do that.
Mama: Maybe we can see the new baby elephant.
Emma:  Did you know that because you checked online?


While driving....

Mama:  Emma, do you smell the fire!?!?
Emma:  Don't worry, Mom.  I think it's just someone grilling.