Thursday, December 31, 2009


When I've gotten upset and worked up to the point of tears regarding Malachi, Emma has been VERY sensitive to my sadness. She will climb up on my lap, put her hands so they are cupping my face/cheeks and say, "Ya okay, mommy? Mommy, you okay?" and proceed to wipe away my tears.... what an amazing little girl!

fashion statement

John: Emma, why do you have Malachi's pants on your head?
Emma: 'Cause I said so.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

oh the potty...

So, one of Emma's new favorite videos is called "Go, Potty, Go!"... she loves it.... and it seems to have worked ;)... in the past couple weeks, we've only been responsible for one or two poopy dipes! I'll spare you the pictures ;)

*When using the her little potty, she demands that I bring her a book to read.

*When using the big potty, she will fall in on purpose so that she can have a bath.

*Aunt Joy let her use the big potty, and quickly--but briefly--left the room to help Emma's cousin. When Joy got back she could see emma's head, arms, and feet sticking up out of the potty and she said, "help!"

*When there is poopy in the potty, she likes to look and give a description. The other day, it was described as "ice cream poopy." I looked and sure enough it was in the shape of an ice cream cone.

*This morning, she climbed up on the big potty, held on, and said "I go big poopy." SUCCESS! "I go more big poopy!" MORE SUCCESS!

*This morning after her big poopy, she insisted that she had more poopy, so I went to her room to pick out clothes and grab a new diaper... SPLAT! She was so focused on not falling in the potty that she basically face planted forward on the bathroom floor. I looked in to which she replied "Emma okay"... she must have been doing something she thought she shouldn't have been doing because I was expecting a WAIL! If she gets hurt due to disobedience, she doesn't cry or whine about it too much. She knows.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Look at that mischievous look on her face!
We were drawing letters and Emma was responding with either the letter or with the sound the letter makes ("a 'E' says 'eh'... a 'E' says 'eh'"). Then she started dictating the activity: "Mommy draw a S, etc. etc.

E: Mommy, draw a 'L'.
M: (draws the letter L)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Before second birthday.

*Practices rolling her eyes for when she's annoyed.

*Shrugs her shoulders when she knows the correct response, but doesn't want to answer the question.

*"Emma do it" --> "I do it" --> "I do it myself!"

*Exclaims "I go potty!" then proceeds to run to bathroom, take off pants/diaper, and sit down on her potty chair--usually successful!

*Very much likes to interact with Dora and Diego! "D-D-D-Da-Dora!" "Swiper, no swiping!"

*From the backseat: "Jingle bells, jingle bells" (Mom chimes in: Jingle all the way!) "I DO IT! I SING IT! MOMMY, NO SINGING!"

*During AT&T U-verse commercial with the family pointing remotes at one another, Emma chimes in BEFORE the little girl "Happy pony."

*Dora's on? Super Why's on? Frog's on? Sid 'da Science Kid on? Curious George on?

*When I was still pumping: "Mommy, go make noise"

*During a fit she was throwing for not wanting to eat her lunch: "Mommy, go work! I go Grandma's house"

*When I leave for the hospital:
M: Bye, Emma. Where's mommy going?
E: "Mommy go hos-pi-tal"
M: Why is mommy going to the hospital?
E: "See Baby Chi."

*And my personal favorite:
M: I love you.
E: "I love you, too, Mommy!"

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Punkin' Ponderings Prologue

This blog will be completely devoted to the random sayings of our favorite little girl. She is not QUITE two, but she definitely has enough sayings and quirks to have her very own blog. We can't get enough of this little blonde-haired, blue-eyed toddler and want to document and share her cuteness with those around us. She currently can say her ABCs (mostly correct), count to 15 (usually), talk back to Dora, and do her own rendition of many songs including, but not limited to, Jesus Loves Me, The B-I-B-L-E, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, Jingle Bells, Go Potty Go!, and just tonight we witnessed Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.