Sunday, March 28, 2010

Candy shopping with Daddy

Mommy, Mommy!! Daddy got me some marshmallow chickies! I share with you.

marshmallow chickies = peeps

Saturday, March 27, 2010

funny sayings

When we get to our floor on the elevator, Emma states, "This is us!"


toilet paper = poilet taper
chocolate = cha-lock-o-late
cinnamon = cin-min-a-min-a-min


While talking on the phone...
Me: Emma, who are you talking to?
Em: Baby Chi.

Em: Hi, Baby Chi. I need to talk to your nurse.

Em: Baby Chi, it's me! and mommy! and daddy! I love you! I miss you!


When visiting Malachi, she calls him "little buddy".


We've been working on sign language with her since Malachi is most likely deaf. We have refreshed signs we used with her before she could talk and have also added quite a few to her vocabulary...

please, thank you, eat, more, sorry, mommy, daddy
"signing time with alex and leah", emma
kitty, bird, dog, fish, snake
blue, yellow, red, purple, pink, green, white
sit, stand, swing, swim, come, play, share, your turn, my turn, go, stop, yes, no
potato, grapes, cookie, carrot

it begins...

We recently got Emerson a piggy bank...

Me: Emma, what are you going to do with all that money in your piggy bank?
Em: Clothes.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Taking things too literally

Emma has been spending the first part of the week down in Georgia getting spoiled rotten with Grandma Kathy and her great-grandparents...

After an eventful afternoon, Emma's great-grandma sat down in her recliner, kicked her feet up, saying "I'm pooped! You wore me out, Emma. I'm just POOPED!"

Emma replied, "You poopy like me??"

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

full of compliments

Mommy, you're beautiful... Mommy, you're the most beautiful girl in the world...

well... in our house.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

head bopping

John and Emerson bopped heads. John started pretend crying as if he were hurt.

Emma came over saying "It's okay. I right here. It's okay, baby"

John: (whimpers) Thank you.

Emma: Uh, thank you MOMMY.


Same type of scenario with John and Emma hitting heads... only this time, Emma hit John on the sensitive part of the bridge of his nose, actually hurt.

John: (whimpering)
Emma: It's okay, buddy.
John: No, punkin' that hurt. You hit me in the nose.
Emma: (scoffs) I hit my head TOO (translation: suck it up!)

missing bread

John went to make himself and emma sandwiches for lunch today, but found that our "good bread" was moldy...

John: Emma, have you seen the other bread?

(no response)

John keeps searching. Went to find phone to call Marissa. Unable to find phone. "Ugh, where is it??"

Emma: (condescendingly) In. The. Kitchen. (in regard to the bread).

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Emma was carrying her grocery basket full of food and dishes and kept saying
"i gonna bring this to Jesus...
I gonna bring this to Jesus...
I gonna bring this to Jesus because...
Jesus loves me."

Makes her mama melt!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

preach it!

We've been keeping Emma in with us during the morning services at church instead of putting her in 2's and 3's and taking a chance of her getting sick. So far, she's been doing a pretty good job. If she were to get a little too rowdy, we would take her out of the auditorium at least... anywho...

Pastor was preaching on prayer and he gradually kept getting louder and louder encouraging those in attendance in their prayer lives saying, "We NEED to PRAY!!"

Emma shouts out, "I pray with you!!!"

Dora does nursery rhymes

The itsy bitsy spider
climbed up the waterspout.

Out came the sun and
Swiper, no swiping!