Wednesday, November 30, 2011


lately, we've had to discuss with emma what it means to do something "on accident".  usually we hear, "Mom, i accidentally opened the front door" (or insert some other action which she knows is wrong).  To which we reply, "no, emma.  actually you really did mean to open the front door.  you did it on purpose."  "Oh, sorry, mom."

well today, she came in to the kitchen while I was getting Jackson's breakfast ready saying, "Mom, I meant to spill my milk."

It took me a while to process, but reassured her that no, she probably spilled her milk on accident.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


A friend of Emma's couldn't think of anything she wanted for Christmas to tell her aunt and Emma looked at her and said " Shawna, you have to consider your options."


Emma, you need to start remembering again to flush the potty when you're done or we're not going to let you use the restroom anymore.  {sarcasm}

"Oh, then i'll just have to go outside!"


Daddy, can you open my peanut for me?  I'm not as strong as you.


While listening to an infomercial on the radio about some diet product, we overheard: "And now, I can even wear my skinny jeans!"

Emma replied:  "Skinny jeans!?!?! Good job!"

Monday, November 7, 2011


John and Emma were watching an animated show of The Avengers. One of the bad characters said, "I'm the Most powerful being in the universe!

No he's not. There's Jesus and God [pause] and the Hulk.

Later in the show the hulk came and smashed the bad guy and Emma turned and looked up at John as if to say "that's right, I called that."